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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

love is it???

Love Actually!!
Love is an incredibly known word in our life, we search for love respect love, want love neglect love or even sometime just lost faith in love. But the question stands what is love actually? Or more, does love really exist? May be, but it is very rare or commonly mixed up with other emotions? What is it actually? Is it like a chick flick movie or a sweet dog movie? It is sounding weird right? Like how I am comparing chick flick love with a dog movie love? It is strange, but both are love in different forms isn’t it? It is only a unique emotion that is actually infinite but still very rare.

The love of parents towards their children is very common, we believe in that kind of love but still when we find an innocent child in a road side or in a dustbin we wonder is the love real? how can a mother throw her own like that, even in animal world, where everything is still wild and dangerous the mother protects their cub viciously, it is their natural instinct but why the human natural instinct is so much fuzzy, why society and other outer things control the internal natural feelings natural love.  So what? Do our logical mind clouding our real feelings?
Where is love, around the corner? Is it in a smile? Or just sparking with first eye contact? May be but how does it work? We can like someone then try to change them slowly and try constantly to be in love, but sometime just all fades away suddenly we start to like someone else but think we are still in love, now in both time is it really love or just  liking all along? May be but sometimes someone just like someone after knowing the other person and like as they are in real and like to live a life together grow old, yesterday I saw a really happy couple they were 80 or something but still very fond of each other holding hands, it was very sweet to see real connection, may be that is love just around the corner.
One day I met a strange person living in the streets most of the time, sharing his food with street dogs and birds, in hot afternoons just rest beside a tree and start talking to it, everyone assumed that he might be little crazy, I asked him once ‘why you talk to the trees?’ He smiled and told me that the trees standing all of their life to give us shade, cold winds shelter oxygen but they are so alone, they grow faster if someone just talks to them. I did not investigate the truth about his words scientifically but felt a love a love of nature around us the silent love without anything in return, around us, nourishing us can they really feel love or just we should feel loving all the time cause whatever love is it can be common and in every heart or just rare and very hard to find still somehow sometime we all feel loved just being alive that is. It is only thing that is infinite we can love as many souls we can still never ends still we just use it very little and made this emotion truly very rare.

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