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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

War against us…..!!!

War against us..!!!

It’s been a while; I was busy with so many little things that I ignored my need for sharing my thoughts and feelings. It is never good for anyone, bottled up thoughts and words are like bottle up pressure, which can get out with a bang in any minute. But one thought is making me crazy for a long time, that how we are treating our planet, it is our only home and we are destroying it without even a glimpse of regret. Ecosystem should be a synchronize system of cohabitation, where every flora and fauna should be connected and cooperated to sustain the nature in a balanced way. But what is our purpose in nature? What do we do to sustain it or help it? It’s like from the very beginning human beings are acting as a virus which is harming the host body and killing of the organs that need to survive. I know it is a horrible thought but we do nothing that is not beneficial to us every innovation and progress for our own sake but not in a long run. If we are harming the host body, (Our only home Earth), when it will react with antibody then what?

Nature is acting out, or just all of these are reaction of our past actions. A tree is more beneficial while it’s living, it gives us oxygen it is the only living thing that makes this planet habitable for other living organisms, but if it burns out then it is bad for environment. But we treat this living berating life form like our own property. I don’t mean any offence but vegans are shouting for saving lives, not killing animals because they are alive, but trees are alive too, they are not inanimate objects.  They born, grow up, reproduce and get old, have a life span, so why we don’t treat them like that? We are killing ourselves in the long run by cutting the vegetation and destroying the ecosystem, but most of us still blind to the effects of our action. 

People often make fun of the people who are against cutting trees or against air pollution, people ridicule them by calling them overacting bunch of party-poopers, but party or enjoyment is more important than breathing of life itself? When we ask someone not to use firecrackers, or cut a tree or burn the garbage they just laugh and say what is the action of one man can change or effect, what I do does not matter… So when we all suffer in extreme heat and in other natural disaster all of us suffer equally, every one each of us, still people don’t give damn about anything. 

They are clearing garbage by burning them, the basic school level knowledge can tell us that nothing lives the earth atmosphere, in different form they exist, we cannot see them does not make them extinct. The garbage was a pile of object in front of us now it still exists but as is gas forms in our lungs because we breathe the polluted air. Now we inhaled that garbage and smile like stupid people thinking that it’s gone. We know about recycling but never do it because sadly idiotic actions are still not illegal.  It should be but sadly it is not. So when we know the air we breathe is now poisonous full of harmful gases we have breathed because we are sharing the same air with those who are making it harmful.

No one wants to die, everyone dream of having a good life but by ignoring basic precautions and silently helping destruction of our ecosystem we are committing slow and painful suicide as a species. The nature will recycle, it will cleat itself it must to start a new fresh cycle of life but how many of us will survive to see that? Every action has a reaction, every thought can influence an action, and one person can change at least their home or neighborhood.  

It is enough blunder done by us, our nature is at its tipping point still we are blind, it’s funny how people react when someone try to save a tree or a forest or protest against pollution it’s like they are the crazy ones. But it is just the opposite, the normal people who are harming their only home by ignorance and stupidity are the crazy ones who will be responsible for disasters and still they will blame their fate or god or anything else just to avoid responsibility. Stupidity should be illegal, physics, chemistry, geography history are not just subjects you studied to pass an examination or to get a job, we should use those knowledge in real life, or no job, no amount of money, nor can any materialistic achievement help us save our future in this planet which is starting to rage a war against us with a valid reason.

Stop acting like a virus, act as a part of an ecosystem, help sustaining this beautiful planet, or we will be exterminate as a disease. Or we will miss the next chapter of this planet or most of us will.

Love Nature, Protect it, and we should be one with nature because we should work with it not against it...!!!!

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