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Monday, November 26, 2012

Thinking of ants….

Thinking of ants….

I was thinking of ants lately, little creature insects but with an organized and complex society they live in, very similar to human societies. But something differs   from our society or our complex organization. They are primitive, act on their basic instinct, the plan set in their genes they act on that blueprint only, with rhythm and solid perfection. There is no place for errors or petty mistakes. We humans are way better evolved creature than little ants or a honey bee; we are made of logic, emotions, feeling of millions of number, own view, far more than a genetic blueprint. But our world somehow is full of errors and petty mistakes; the very emotion makes us different, some of them also make us terrible for a good social order. We evolved physically but in the matter of mental change we are so afraid to accept the nature’s basic rule of change, we just can’t evolve in that same rate psychologically. Believing something is more of an easy job than asking question that means leaving our comfort zone behind. May be we the humans also cannot live farther from our nest.

The society that one day our ancestors made or forced to make to survive the brutal world, now becoming a larger threat itself. The rotten roots the broken branches need a new tree a new thinking to regenerate to be fresh once more. The insecurity, the jealousy, the rage and anger is destroying all that once hoped for, instead of walking together as a group or a nest we are walking along and pretending to live in a social order. We are corrupting our environment, we are destroying our home just for nothing, some personal gain, little fun but we are constantly ignoring our natural instinct. The instinct of worship nature that may be sounds primitive but that is what nature needs us to be. May be a mix of little logic and advancement, with a little primal and natural instinct. Like ants a little bit.

Some of us really confused, in believing that they are way more realistic but just thinking for only a moment is not realistic it’s more like a foolish assumption that we can control everything. We are thinking ourselves as giants or as the best species that this earth has ever saw, but in reality to this universe we are nothing more than a lost ant or way smaller than that. The law of change in universe also lies in our natural blueprint but we are living in a noisy place to hear anything but a mechanical sound around us. Our basic nature our primal instinct is shutting down slowly, we are letting our guard down. Now our society our nest our home is unprotected.

We have many more advancement than a little ant society, but why I am still thinking of them, scares me sometimes, the motion of change is moving, I am afraid of being left behind with my society like some lost ants in the woods without a nest.

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