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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Adapt to adaptation!!

Adapt to adaptation!!

Nothing is more sacred than mother’s love and nothing is more pure than a child’s smile, the love of a mother, feelings for her child is divine, and when a little baby smiles the whole world seems so wonderful. A home is never complete without a baby. But there are so many houses, which never get any chance to be home for a family, may be a complete family, many couple wishes for a child but cannot get one of their own, they pray to the almighty, explores many medical options, throws away hundreds of thousands of bucks for a child of their own, own means their flesh and blood, the heir of their own genes and heritage, culture, expectation like that,  some of them may succeed in their dreams, and have a child, but so many of them not that lucky.

Now about the word luck, how about that? I witnessed many sad couples who were living their whole life complaining about the unfair nature of fate or destiny or the cold heart of god toward them for not blessing them with a child. But I don’t feel sad for them, yes sure I pitted them but not sad for them. Yes fate or destiny plays hard game, but still works in a mysterious way too, there are so many family want to be full, but there are also so many child looking for the love of a family every day, the days goes by the pieces of the puzzle never found each other. A mother never looks for her child outside her small mind into the world, and a child cries inside an orphanage for love that may he or she never going to get.

Own flesh and blood, why that is more important than love and happiness, not all of us are a supreme specimen of perfect gene pool that need preservation, or genetic engineers that needs a perfect subject, most of us just need a family, someone to look for, someone to take care of, or to love or be loved. There are parents and there are children but why the hesitation to be happy? Love and nourishment is enough for making of a good human being, isn’t that is enough for a mother or father to know that they brought up good person? Or gave a child to live a life that all of them deserves? Empty houses, sad life, pathetic outlook all of this just because of a close mind set. It is sad.

I saw one or two family to adopt a kid, and living happily, and as a family getting by a day at a time, same life, same love, same teenage drama, same feelings, nothing weird. So why do we hesitate? The rate of adoption in India is not that impressive, but every day in newspapers we can read about a new born baby to be found beside a dumpster or side of a road. The ratio of unhappy families and orphan children alarming, is it the way to treat our countries’ future generation like that? The year is changing in every 365 days the day is changing into night and then to a new day, but why we are on a same level of thinking?

The mother’s love the most sacred thing in the world, is it really that sacred if it chooses between own and throw away another’s child? Is it that pure if a mother cannot love a child just to give love and nourishment, then where is the appropriate position for the word sacred? The tears in the eyes of many child drying up the love of many mother’s heart id fading away why not give them a chance to fulfill each other or why not take a chance to make a family with love and joy not only based on flesh and blood. The son own flesh and blooding throwing out their parents of their own houses, blackmailing them for money, so is it for safety, to rely on own flesh and blood if it is, that is just cruel irony of nature showing us nothing safe about giving love, some time we cannot choose the loved ones but sometime we can choose and make a change in someone life. We all have to grow up now it is time for a long time it’s been that time, that we finally openly adapt to adaptation and make a loving home.


  1. Amazing read.. Shrutashree... I am just speechless reading the post !! Indeed , its time we adapt to adapatation !! well written .
